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About me

NAME: Annalisa;
WEB-NAME: Lucien;
BIRTH-DATE: October 19th;
E-MAIL: luciensabre[AT];
NETWORK: The Artificial Network;
YOUTUBE: LucienSabre;
LIKES: Manga, Anime, Yaoi, Slash, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, The Hobbit, Webdesign, Internet, Wolves, Dragons, Old castles and manors, Ghost stories, Myths and legends, Music, Movies & TV, Winter season;
DISLIKE: Yaoi-Haters, Slash-Haters, Conceited snobs, Big bugs, Vipers, Summer season, Getting wet by rain.

I'm a lazy oddball, mostly a loner but with a few quality friends whom I love to go dine out or to the cinema with (I absolutely hate discos and night clubs and I rather much stay online, read manga or sleep); most all, though, I love listening to music, reading mangas and fan fictions or watching anime and movies on TV -- and being currently unemployed, I have lots of time for said things.
I'm a little shy as well (although much less now, in my childhood I was a true cry-baby), and to hide it I end up acting aggressive and rude, so it's hard for me making new friends.
My mum has always found me weird and used to threaten to send me to therapy -- in her opinion I need it because I spend to much time on my iPad and/or laptop or reading too much and too many mangas (but the truth is that since high school I stopped being her "puppet" and no longer do what she likes to do and expects/pretends me to enjoy it, even if I loathe it)...but I don't want to rant against her, I love her very much no matter our different points of view.
In short I'm fairly contorted: I love my friends and going out with them, but I love even more having fun alone in my room or go to the cinema by myself; I love music and TV shows, but more so if I can enjoy them alone....I could keep this up endlessly, but since I don't want to bore you I'll stop here. xD

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