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Welcome.. the Deep Red icons archive, or Kurenaicons for short, a showcase for Lucien's ani-manga icons, bases and textures. Please, read the Terms of Use and enjoy. ^.^

Kurenaicons Statistics
Since :: 11.10.2023

Icons :: 38 + 382 oldies
Bases :: 00 + 580 oldies
Textures :: 00 + 262 oldies

No spamming, swearing, posting as Guest or affiliation applications (see red exits page for details on that).

Out with old, in with new

Hello minna-san, and welcome to my new icon archive. :)
After a very long time (the longest ever), I’ve decided to start fresh again: Enigmaticons has been with me for 8 years and the name but also the site as well have become more than stale and a chore—another reason why I never updated that too after reopening Hakanai, Ast3rism, I♥Boys and the others; so say goodbye to Enigmaticons and let me introduce you Kurenaicons, also known as Deep Red Icons.

The name came from an old icon archive I loved (that has been gone for a long while now)….and I still can’t believe I was able to register the domain and that I get to use it; of course the site is on v01 called Spy x Family from the featured titular series—which I’ve actually yet to watch, but the artwork is so gorgeous I had to use is. Let me know what you think.

Being Enigmaticons’ reincarnation, Kurenaicons comes with all the old stuff from its ancestor, but to celebrate the opening I also made 38 brand new icons— and plan to add new bases and textures soon. I hope you like the opening batch, but any kind of constructive feedback is my nectar.

Gotta go now as, since my mum is having dinner out with her friends, my dad decides he wants to go dine out so I need to get ready; see you all on next entry (at Christmas or during the holidays).
Take care guys, and have a wonderful day. ♥

Posted on November 09, 2023 // Leave a comment?

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