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Welcome.. the Deep Red icons archive, or Kurenaicons for short, a showcase for Lucien's ani-manga icons, bases and textures. Please, read the Terms of Use and enjoy. ^.^

Kurenaicons Statistics
Since :: 11.10.2023

Icons :: 38 + 382 oldies
Bases :: 00 + 580 oldies
Textures :: 00 + 262 oldies

No spamming, swearing, posting as Guest or affiliation applications (see red exits page for details on that).

It’s real this time


Hello minna…yeah, I’m still alive. xD
And, after almost a whole year, I’m also back with an actual update…the first proper one on Kurenaicons. I’m super stoked, so without further ado let’s roll call the new things.

First thing as usual is the new layout: Kurenaicons v2 is called Out there and features my latest favorite manga Niehime to Kemono no Ou (or “The Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts” as per the english official name); I read the whole series a few months ago and instantly fell head over heels for it…so much that I made it into the theme of this whole update—and I recommend it whole-heartedly, the story is incredible and above all the art is gorgeous. ♥

Kurenaicons also got a new affie….I’m so proud and giddy to announce this, because Brandi has been my friend for a very long time and is also a super-mega talented designer. ♥♥ So let’s all give a warm welcome (for me it’s a incredibly happy welcome back) to Aestharis—plug on top of the post.

Now the part you’ve been all waiting for…additions. Kurenaicons has new things for every category, all featuring as mentioned before “The Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts”; here’s the list.

  • 40 new icons.
  • 76 new icon bases.
  • 22 new icon textures.

It’s not a huge batch, but I’m quite satisfied with it—especially the icons as it was a long time not designing them so I was a bit rusty. n_n Hopefully you like the additions, but any (constructive) feedback is life. ^.^

Gotta go now as I still need to change the design, upload everything to the site and write all the entries; see you on next update.
Everybody take care and have a wonderful week-end. ♥

Posted on September 13, 2024 // Leave a comment?


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